Team 27
In an effort to help ensure all of our fourth graders are mastering their multiplication facts and growing as readers, we are asking that you help monitor their practice from home. We are asking that you take the time to remind your son or daughter to read for at least 20 minutes each day and practice his/her facts at home, for no more than 10-15 minutes each weekday evening.
On their multiplication fact practice log, students should record which facts they practiced that evening, how many minutes they practiced, which problems gave them trouble, and then get your signature or initials. On their reading log, your child should record the book they read and how long they read for. Your child will turn in their reading and fact practice log each Friday morning. Thank you in advance for your support from home! Fact mastery and reading practice will not only build your child’s confidence, but will also better prepare them for what’s to come!